Tag: Stock Trading

  • New to Investing? Don’t Get Burned by Boiler Rooms

    New to Investing? Don’t Get Burned by Boiler Rooms

    Starting your investing journey is exciting because there’s nothing quite like making sure your future is secured. But before you dive into the world of stocks and bonds, you need to be aware of a serious threat lurking in the shadows: boiler rooms.  Boiler rooms are fraudulent operations that prey on inexperienced investors, promising quick…

  • Stock Trading Seminars and Courses: Are They Worth It or a Scam?

    Stock Trading Seminars and Courses: Are They Worth It or a Scam?

    With the advent of online trading platforms and the accessibility of financial information via the Internet, it has become easier than ever for people to try their hand at stock trading.  However, the complexity and risks associated with trading stocks have also led to a growing demand for education in this field. This has given…

  • Pump and Dump Schemes: Protecting Your Investments in Stock Trading

    Pump and Dump Schemes: Protecting Your Investments in Stock Trading

    Stock trading has long been a favored avenue for investors to grow their wealth, offering options for both short- and long-term investing. However, the allure of quick profits in the stock market also exposes investors to various fraudulent stock trading schemes.  One of the most notorious of these schemes is the “pump and dump” scheme.…

  • Identifying Stock Trading Scams: Tips for New Investors

    Identifying Stock Trading Scams: Tips for New Investors

    Investing in the stock market is a great way to put your extra capital to work for you. Stock trading offers the potential for significant financial gains over time and can help you save up for retirement or big purchases.  However, stock investing also comes with its fair share of risks, including the possibility of…

  • How To Avoid and Recover From Stock Trading Scams

    How To Avoid and Recover From Stock Trading Scams

    PayBack Ltd are experts in getting money back for people who have been scammed. Stock trading scams are one such area they deal with regularly. To find out more about getting your money back after being scammed, get in touch with one of our experts for a free consultation. Photo by Joshua Mayo on Unsplash Stock market experts generally agree that…

  • How to Report an Online Trading Scam?

    How to Report an Online Trading Scam?

    As long as the internet has existed, there have been online scams. Of course, scams and frauds have been with us since the beginning of time, but the internet is particularly well-suited to these illegal forms of activity. Online, it’s easy to take money, it’s easy to appear to be something that you’re not, it’s…

  • How Does the Stock Market Work: Guide for Beginners

    How Does the Stock Market Work: Guide for Beginners

    PayBack Ltd are experts in getting money back for people who have been scammed. Stock trading scams are one such area they deal with regularly. To find out more about getting your money back after being scammed, get in touch with one of our experts for a free consultation. The stock market is a general term given…

  • Is the Stock Market Rigged?

    Is the Stock Market Rigged?

    If you’re looking to invest your money, the stock market is one of the most popular places to start. However, it is also very volatile and risky, and some people will even tell you that the stock market is rigged against small investors. That being said, it’s quite possible to make good returns on your…

  • Securities Fraud: The 1 Global Capital, LLC and Roy Y. Gagaza Case

    Securities Fraud: The 1 Global Capital, LLC and Roy Y. Gagaza Case

    The Securities and Exchange Commission has charged an agent working for 1 Global Capital, LLC for violations concerning the trading of unregistered securities there. The SEC accused him of selling more than $10.8 million worth of securities which were not registered with the commission, to several unsuspecting investors. 1 Global made high-interest loans to small…

  • The $155 Million Pump and Dump Stock Scam in Hong Kong

    The $155 Million Pump and Dump Stock Scam in Hong Kong

    The Covid-19 pandemic has left many of us trapped indoors with nowhere to spend our disposable income. Stuck at home, people have been turning to the stock market in droves as a way to make some extra cash, hedge against inflation and even as a way to simply pass the time. However, millions of new…