Category: Uncategorized

  • Fake Brokers List (Blacklisted 2022)

    Fake Brokers List (Blacklisted 2022)

    We have produced a list of all the scam brokers which we do not recommend getting involved with. We will keep this list updated constantly so you can be sure the brand you’re interested in isn’t involved in any activity that has raised suspicion. For your convenience, we have sorted the brands in six different…

  • 10 Rules To Keep Your Money And Personal Identity Safe Online

    10 Rules To Keep Your Money And Personal Identity Safe Online

    The rising influence of technology has simplified the lives of people in many ways. However, it has also made personal data vulnerable and prone to attacks by hackers. In this digital age, when large amounts of personal and financial data is hosted online, it becomes important to keep it secure. If you haven’t already, follow…

  • Avoid The Most Common Tax Scams – A Successful Tax Season Depends On It

    Avoid The Most Common Tax Scams – A Successful Tax Season Depends On It

    According to the Internal Revenue Service, approximately 150 million Americans file their taxes every year. While this may sound like an impressive figure, the IRS also confirms that the American economy ends up losing over $1.8 billion to con artists and scammers every filing season. These thieves have a plethora of tricks in their arsenal. However,…

  • Avoid Money Transfer Scams

    Avoid Money Transfer Scams

    Thousands of money transfers happen every day. However, sometimes the recipient isn’t a trusted friend or family. It could also be a scammer. According to the Federal Trade Commission, there were over 3 million money transfer scams in 2018 alone. While money transfers can help you rescue people financially, they have also become a hot spot…

  • Mortgage Relief Scams And How to Avoid Them

    Mortgage Relief Scams And How to Avoid Them

    The American real estate sector bears witness to the sale of over 5.96 million homes every year, out of which 63% are financed by a mortgage. While mortgages were intended to be an opportunity for aspiring homeowners, it has also become a thriving opening for enterprising scammers. A mortgage is always taken against a property.…

  • Medical Scams And Malpractice

    Medical Scams And Malpractice

    Medical scams and malpractice are much more common than you think. According to estimates, more than 250,000 Americans lose their lives every year due to medical malpractice. Medical scams are also fairly common across the US. These schemes make use of different tactics in order to trap their targets. In fact, you may already have…

  • Insurance Scams 101 – Identify Insurance Fraud

    Insurance Scams 101 – Identify Insurance Fraud

    Not many people are aware that insurance scams have become a multi-billion dollar business for criminals. These schemes prey on the fears and vulnerabilities of the public to cheat them out of money. Insurance scams can take on various forms such as bogus agents, robocalls, and overcharging. Accordingly, customers need to be extremely cautious about…

  • What are Pump and Dump Scams?

    What are Pump and Dump Scams?

    Modern-day investors need to be wary of various types of scams. These scams may be in the form of accounting scandals, insider trading, or other forms of fraud. One such scheme is a pump and dump scam. Through this scam, investors of a particular stock promote the company extensively. Once hype has been created, these…

  • Forex Regulations 101: Who Controls Foreign Exchange Brokers?

    Forex Regulations 101: Who Controls Foreign Exchange Brokers?

    In 1971, when President Richard Nixon allowed the US dollar to float freely against other currencies, he effectively created the modern-day forex market. Investors realized that there was money to be made from fluctuations in currency markets, by buying low and selling high. Two more recent developments have helped to make forex the most popular…